People often use dentures, made of plastic or metal, to replace missing or damaged teeth, so they can enjoy a healthy diet and smile with confidence. Dental bonding is a conservative way to repair slightly chipped, discolored, or crooked teeth. During this procedure, a white filling is placed on the tooth to improve its appearance. The filling “sticks” to the tooth and, since it comes in a variety of shades of tooth color, looks a lot like the appearance of natural teeth.
Dental bonding can also be used for dental fillings instead of silver amalgams. Many patients prefer bonded fillings because white is much less noticeable than silver. Adhesive fillings can be used on the front or back teeth, depending on the location and extent of the tooth decay. Adhesion is less expensive than other cosmetic treatments and can usually be completed in one visit to our office.
However, adhesion can stain and is easier to break than other cosmetic treatments, such as porcelain veneers. If it breaks or splinters, tell your doctor. The joint can usually be easily patched or repaired in a single visit. A bridge replaces missing teeth with artificial teeth, looks great and literally closes the gap where one or more teeth could have been. Your bridge can be made of gold, alloys, porcelain, or a combination of these materials and attaches to surrounding teeth for support. Crowns are a restorative procedure used to improve the shape of the tooth or to strengthen a tooth.
Crowns are most commonly used for teeth that are broken, worn out, or whose parts have been destroyed by tooth decay. A crown is a “cap” cemented onto an existing tooth that generally covers the part of the tooth above the gum line. In fact, the crown becomes the new outer surface of the tooth. Crowns can be made of porcelain, metal, or both. Porcelain crowns are most often preferred because they mimic the translucency of natural teeth and are very strong.
Crowns or inlays (partial crowns) are needed when there isn't enough dental strength left to hold a filling. Unlike fillings, which apply restorative material directly to the mouth, a crown is manufactured far from the mouth. The crown is created in a laboratory from a single dental impression, allowing a dental laboratory technician to examine every aspect of the bite and movements of the jaw. The crown is then sculpted just for you, so that the movements of the bite and jaw work normally once the crown is in place. Traditional dental restorers, or fillings, are usually made of silver amalgam. The strength and durability of this traditional dental material make it useful for situations where restored teeth must withstand the extreme forces that result from chewing, often in the back of the mouth.
Newer dental fillings include ceramic and plastic composites that mimic the appearance of natural teeth. These compounds, often called composite resins, are generally used on front teeth, where it's important to look natural but they can also be used on back teeth depending on the location and extent of tooth decay. In addition to tooth replacement, implants can be used to anchor dentures, especially lower dentures that tend to move when talking or chewing. For patients with removable partial dentures, implants can replace missing teeth for a more natural-looking smile. General dentists, sometimes called family dentists, perform restorative dentistry. Examples of restorative dental procedures include crowns, bridges, implants and dentures.
When bacteria corrode tooth enamel and make a hole it's called a cavity. Smaller cavities are usually repaired with dental fillings. Dentists use dental crowns to repair large cavities or restore broken teeth. Sometimes called a “cap” a crown is placed over the entire tooth while an inlay fills the area between the cusps of the teeth an inlay also covers at least one cusp. Sometimes a cavity or crack penetrates deep enough into the tooth to reach the pulp if bacteria enter the tooth pulp they can cause a painful infection in these cases root canal therapy is necessary in most cases people who undergo endodontics also need a crown to provide extra strength and support. A dental bridge can replace a single missing tooth or a row of missing teeth. A bridge consists of artificial teeth with dental crowns on each side your dentist will alter (shave) your natural teeth on both sides of the space next they'll attach the bridge to your natural teeth crowns are placed over natural teeth and artificial teeth cover the space between them. Your dentist can restore dental implants with crowns bridges and even dentures unlike traditional crowns and bridges implants do not require alteration of natural teeth many dentists consider implants to be the gold standard of tooth replacement. Dentures are another traditional tooth replacement option full dentures replace a full arc of missing teeth partial dentures replace several missing teeth in different areas dentures rest on the gums and the jaw below supports them you can also opt for implant-supported dentures these appliances are similar to traditional dentures however instead of resting on the gums for support they are attached to dental implants this offers much more stability compared to conventional dentures. Dental restorations have very few risks however crowns for example can chip or loosen if you have deep cavities or delay filling cavities that can lead to a root canal or a tooth extraction contact your dentist right away if you have any problems with your teeth. It depends on a few factors including type of procedure and number of teeth that need treatment for example person who has had cavity filled can resume normal activities right away however person who has four dental implants placed may need couple days off to recover your dentist can tell you what type recovery schedule you can expect in your situation x-rays help dental team see between teeth or under edge fillings detect.